Request for Public Comment on Draft Regulations 555 CMR 12.00 by August 1

Request for Public Comment on Proposed Regulations in Advance of Public Hearing August 1

The POST Commission has opened a public comment period on proposed regulations 555 CMR 12.00: Maintenance, Reporting, and Audits of Law Enforcement Records and Informationwhich would establish requirements for law enforcement agencies and law enforcement officers to create and maintain certain records and to report certain information to the Commission. The regulation would also establish requirements and procedures concerning the auditing of law enforcement agencies and law enforcement officers by or on behalf of the Commission. Lastly, the proposed regulation details ways in which the Commission may take disciplinary action against law enforcement agencies and law enforcement officers as a means of enforcing the obligations of this proposed regulation.

The proposed regulations are available here. You may obtain a written copy by e- mailing a request to [email protected] or mailing a request to General Counsel Randall E. Ravitz, Massachusetts Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission, 84 State Street, Suite 200, Boston, MA 02109.

Written comments and testimony in advance of the hearing is welcome and may be made by e-mail to [email protected] with a subject line stating, “555 CMR 12.00” or by mail to General Counsel Randall E. Ravitz at the physical address listed above. Comments received after August 1, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. might not be considered.

The hearing will be held virtually, using the Zoom platform, on Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. If you are interested in offering comments, you are encouraged, but not required, to pre-register by sending an email to [email protected] with a subject line stating, “555 CMR 12.00.” To join via computer, go to: join via telephone (audio only), dial 646-558- 8656 and use the following conference ID: 959 2470 5273. Given the volume of comments anticipated, the Commission may limit a speaker’s time to five minutes.