Conditional Certification Notices
If you have received a conditional certification notice, the contents below explain the conditional certification types and next steps.
Officers on approved or extended leave must complete their certification requirements no later than 90 days after the date of their return to active service. For officers on extended leave that were attested to by their department heads, POST will extend the officer’s conditional certification indefinitely at the end of this first 90-day conditional certification period. The department must notify POST of the date of return for such officers and the officers will be allowed 90 days to complete those requirements under a new conditional certification. Upon meeting the requirements, the department or officer will provide documentation that the officer satisfied those conditions via email to [email protected] and the officer will receive a full certification upon review by POST.
Note that if you attended the Bridge Academy and withdrew or were dismissed, or if you never signed up for the Bridge Academy when it was your turn to do so, you will not be able to satisfy this requirement and you should consider attending a full-time academy to be a certified law enforcement officer.
Work Requirements:
For part-time officers who have not completed work experience hours, POST will issue an extension to the conditional certification at the end of the first 90-day period. The conditional certification will expire on January 1, 2027. Given that the certification is valid for a three-year period, this conditional certification will be renewed at that time to allow officers to complete this training requirement.
More information on the Municipal Police Training Committee’s requirements can be found here.
Law Enforcement Officers must pass an examination required for training (basic or bridge) within 90 days or as required by MPTC.
If you have received a conditional certification notice based on this condition, you did not pass an examination that was required for the completion of basic training or bridge academy. Thus, you have not yet satisfied a mandatory requirement for certification set forth in M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f), (i). To maintain your recertification, you must satisfy this requirement within 90 days of the date of this notification.
Law Enforcement Officers must complete in-service training requirements as required by the MPTC within 90 days of receipt of your notification.
If you have received a conditional certification notice based on this condition, you did not satisfy all in-service training requirements established by the Municipal Police Training Committee for the fiscal year. The satisfaction of such requirements is necessary for full recertification. Thus, to maintain your recertification, you must complete such training within 90 days or any longer period of time allowed by the Commission.
More information on the Municipal Police Training Committee’s requirements can be found here.
Law Enforcement Officers must be found to have passed a background check within 90 days of the conditional certification notice. Officers cannot be certified if their agency conducted a background check and they did not pass.
If you received a conditional certification notice based on this condition, your agency has not confirmed that you have passed a state and national background check.
The successful completion of such a background check, including, but not limited to, fingerprinting and a full employment history, is a mandatory requirement for recertification set forth in M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f), (i). If your agency conducted such a check and determined that you did not pass, you cannot be recertified.
If, however, your agency has not performed such a check, you must be found to have passed a check within 90 days of the date of your notification for your certification to be maintained.
Law Enforcement Officers must possess CPR or First Aid certification within 90 days of their conditional certification notice.
If you have received a conditional certification notice based on this condition, you do not currently possess CPR certification or First Aid certification.
Thus, you have not yet satisfied a mandatory requirement for certification as a law enforcement officer set forth in M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f), (i), which calls for possession of both. To maintain your recertification, you must satisfy this requirement within 90 days of the date of this notification.
A Law Enforcement officer must complete an oral interview and the questionnaire within 90 days of a conditional certification notification.
If you have received a conditional certification notice based on this condition, you have not yet taken all steps necessary to successfully complete an oral interview. You must complete the Commission-prescribed questionnaire and discuss it with a superior in charge of administering the oral interview.
If you did not complete or were prevented from completing those steps because of action or inaction by your agency, or because you were on approved leave, then those steps must be completed by the later of 90 days after the date of this notification or 90 days after your return to active service, as applicable, for your certification to be maintained. If you have not completed such steps for any other reason, then you cannot be recertified.
Law Enforcement Officers must obtain a high school diploma, or a General Educational Development (GED) certification from an accredited program.
If you have received a conditional certification notice based on this condition, you do not currently have a high school diploma or equivalent. Thus, you have not yet satisfied a mandatory requirement for certification set forth in M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f), (i).
To maintain your recertification, you must satisfy this requirement by obtaining a high school diploma, or a General Educational Development (GED) certification from an accredited program.
If you have not received a notice, POST has determined that your case merits further review. The reasons for further review may include any one or a combination of the following circumstances:
1. No Attestation of Good Moral Character
Your agency has declined to attest that you are of good moral character and fit for employment in law enforcement. You should carefully review your agency’s explanation. You may seek a review of the POST Commission Executive Director.
The possession of such character and fitness is a mandatory requirement for recertification under Section 4(f) and 4(i) of Chapter 6E; without this finding, the Commission is precluded from recertifying you. Your agency must provide you with a written explanation for declining to attest to your good moral character. The Commission recommends that you carefully review your agency’s explanation for its determination, as well as the information herein regarding your opportunities for further review.
You may seek review by submitting a written petition to the Commission’s Executive Director via email to [email protected], and providing a copy to your employing agency, within twenty-one days of the date of this notification or such additional time as allowed by the Commission. You may seek further review of any decision rendered by the Executive Director in accordance with Section 13 of Chapter 30A of the General Laws and Sections 1.10 and 7.10 of Title 555 of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations. Until the conclusion of any review or hearing or the expiration of the time for seeking review or hearing, the application for recertification that you previously submitted will not be deemed “finally determined” by the Commission, as that term is used in Section 13 of Chapter 30A of the General Laws. During such time, you will be deemed conditionally recertified, and thus “certified” as that term is used in Chapter 6E. If, at the conclusion of that period, your certification has not been maintained, Section 4(g) of Chapter 6E will preclude all Massachusetts law enforcement agencies from appointing or employing you as a law enforcement officer unless and until the Commission takes some further action to provide you with a type of certification.
2. Felony Conviction
A Law Enforcement officer cannot be certified if previously convicted of a felony. Officers may seek review of this decision by the POST Commission Executive Director.
If you have received a conditional certification notice, you have previously been convicted of a felony. Thus, the Commission is precluded from recertifying you, pursuant to Section 4(f) and 4(i) of Chapter 6E. You may seek review by submitting a written petition to the Commission’s Executive Director, and providing a copy to your employing agency, within twenty-one days of the date of this notification or such additional time as allowed by the Commission. You may seek further review of any decision rendered by the Executive Director in accordance with Section 13 of Chapter 30A of the General Laws and Sections 1.10 and 7.10 of Title 555 of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations.
Until the conclusion of any review or hearing or the expiration of the time for seeking review or hearing, the application for recertification that you previously submitted will not be deemed “finally determined” by the Commission, as that term is used in Section 13 of Chapter 30A of the General Laws.
During such time, you will be deemed conditionally recertified, and thus “certified” as that term is used in Chapter 6E. If, at the conclusion of that period, your certification has not been maintained, Section 4(g) of Chapter 6E will preclude all Massachusetts law enforcement agencies from appointing or employing you as a law enforcement officer unless and until the Commission takes some further action to provide you with a type of certification.
3. Listing in National Decertification Index (NDI)
A Law Enforcement Officer cannot be certified if listed in the National Decertification Index (NDI). An officer may seek review of this decision by the POST Commission Executive Director.
If you have received a conditional certification notice, your name is listed in the National Decertification Index. Thus, the Commission is precluded from recertifying you, pursuant to Section 4(f) and 4(i) of Chapter 6E. You may seek review by submitting a written petition to the Commission’s Executive Director, and providing a copy to your employing agency, within twenty-one days of the date of this notification or such additional time as allowed by the Commission.
You may seek further review of any decision rendered by the Executive Director in accordance with Section 13 of Chapter 30A of the General Laws and Sections 1.10 and 7.10 of Title 555 of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations. Until the conclusion of any review or hearing or the expiration of the time for seeking review or hearing, the application for recertification that you previously submitted will not be deemed “finally determined” by the Commission, as that term is used in Section 13 of Chapter 30A of the General Laws.
During such time, you will be deemed conditionally recertified, and thus “certified” as that term is used in Chapter 6E. If, at the conclusion of that period, your certification has not been maintained, Section 4(g) of Chapter 6E will preclude all Massachusetts law enforcement agencies from appointing or employing you as a law enforcement officer unless and until the Commission takes some further action to provide you with a type of certification.