Public Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

June 15, 2023 Meeting summary: Approval of minutes from May 11, 2023; Executive Director Report update on certification, officer addresses and disciplinary records; FY24 Budget & Administrative Update; Legal Update: draft Guidance to Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecuting Offices Regarding 555 CMR 1.00 and 6.00;  public hearing overview – 555 CMR 9.00; certificate of appreciation to outgoing Commissioners Kim West and Michael Wynn

Public Meeting Materials (PDF)

Public Meeting Recording June 15, 2023

Public Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

July 12, 2023 Meeting summary:  Approval of minutes from June 15, 2023; Executive Director Report on certification; process for publishing review Decisions, conditionally certified status; Administrative update; Legal update on proposed regulations 555 CMR 11.00 – Regulatory Action & Advisory Opinions; revisions to proposed regulations 555 CMR 9.00 – Initial Certification
of Officers and Initial or Renewed Certification of Independently Applying Officers; further guidance to constables; Division of Standards update.

Public Meeting Materials  (PDF)

Public Meeting Recording July 12, 2023

Public Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

August 10 meeting summary: Approval of minutes July 12, 2023; Executive Director Report: certification, disciplinary  records and administrative update
b. Disciplinary Records Update
c. Administrative Update
4) LEA Portal User Survey Results – CTO Owen Mael
5) Law Enforcement Officer Credential Discussion
6) Legal Update – General Counsel Randall Ravitz
a. Guidance to Constables and other Law Enforcement Personnel
b. Guidance on Complaints Reportable to POST
c. Workplace Safety Policy

Public Meeting Agenda (PDF)

Public Meeting Materials (PDF)

Public Meeting Recording