Complaint and Incident Reporting

Note: This is for Law Enforcement Personnel Only.  Members of the public who wish to submit a complaint about a police officer should use the public complaint form.

Agency Reports due to POST

Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) are required to submit information to POST within two (2) business days of receipt of a credible complaint or incident alleging misconduct of an officer(s). 

Complaints and incidents regarding misconduct can originate from any source. All complaints should have a presumption of credibility, and anonymous complaints are also required to be submitted and investigated if there is a basis for conducting an investigation. There is no statute of limitations. Reports to POST include allegations of unprofessional conduct and any incidents that may result in discipline, including any allegations of prohibited conduct per MGL Chapter 6E.

Reportable complaints and incidents fall into the following four categories:

  1. Complaints alleging bias based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, mental or physical disability, immigration status, or socioeconomic or professional level;
  2. Complaints regarding use of force including excessive, prohibited, or deadly force;
  3. Actions that resulted in serious bodily injury or death including officer-involved shootings;
  4. Unprofessionalism or misconduct including policy or procedure violations or conformance to laws, conduct unbecoming, untruthfulness and prohibited conduct.

All complaints and incidents relating to the first three categories are reportable to POST without exception.  Unprofessional conduct is the only category that includes an exception for minor matters. 

Minor matters include discourtesy and basic work rule violations such as tardiness, inattention to detail, equipment violations, grooming violations, or comparable infractions. Under 555 CMR 1.01 (1)(c)3, “an agency shall forward any pattern of complaints alleging the misconduct of an officer to the commission.” Agencies are required to maintain records of these minor complaints, refer them to an internal resolution process, and make them available to POST upon request. 


All complaints of excessive force, including force that resulted in serious bodily injury or death, should have a presumption of credibility and are required to be submitted. 

All instances of use of force that triggers an internal affairs review are also reportable, even if the investigation eventually exonerates the officer. 

Download key reporting dates fact sheet (PDF)

Members of the public should click here to file a complaint against a police officer.

Submit Officer Status Changes to the POST Commission

Use this form to communicate any of the following changes to an officer’s status:

Returned to service; out on leave/medical; out on leave/military; out on leave/admin; in-service training completed; bridge academy completed; suspended; terminated for cause; transferred; retired/no details; retired/working details; retirement/in lieu of discipline; resignation/in good standing; name change; new academy graduate; transfer; new; civilian; remove discipline records request; and retired/working details.