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Public Meeting

May 13, 2021 Meeting Summary: Chair’s Opening Statements; Adoption of Robert’s Rules of Order for Commission Meetings; Election of Secretary and Treasurer; Discussion of Interim Staffing and Immediate Hiring Needs (Executive Director and General Counsel); Statutory Task Overview; Assignments regarding June 30, 2021 deadline for issuing guidance on developmentally appropriate de-escalation and disengagement tactics, procedures and other alternatives to use of force for

Public Meeting Agenda (PDF)

Public Meeting Minutes (PDF)

Public Meeting

June 2, 2021 Meeting Summary: Approval of minutes of May 13, 2021 meeting; update on hiring plan; update on IT plan; presentation by Municipal Police Training Committee; discussion of guidance on developmentally appropriate de-escalation and disengagement tactics, procedures and other alternatives to use of force for minor children that may take into account Various contextual factors; other upcoming statutory deadlines.

Public Meeting Minutes (PDF)


Public Meeting

June 16, 2021 Meeting Summary: Vote to adopt remote participation; approval of minutes of June 2, 2021 meeting; vote to create a screening committee to review applications for Executive Director; discussion of statutory responsibility under Section 119: “Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, not later than June 30, 2021, the Massachusetts peace officer standards and training commission established in section 2 of chapter 6E shall issue guidance on developmentally appropriate de-escalation and disengagement tactics, techniques and procedures and other alternatives to the use of force for minor children that may take into account contextual factors including, but not limited to, the person’s age, disability status, developmental status, mental health, linguistic limitations or other mental or physical condition.” Presentation by Lisa Thurau and David Walker from Strategies for Youth; presentation by Commissioners Bluestone, Luma, and Wynn.

Public Meeting Minutes

Recommendations for De-Escalation

Public Meeting

June 23, 2021 Meeting Summary: Discussion of proposed guidance pursuant to Section 119: “Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, not later than June 30, 2021, the
Massachusetts peace officer standards and training commission established in section 2 of chapter 6E shall issue guidance on developmentally appropriate de-escalation and disengagement tactics, techniques and procedures and other alternatives to the use of force for minor children that may take into account contextual factors including, but not limited to, the person’s age, disability status,
developmental status, mental health, linguistic limitations or other mental or physical condition.”

Public Meeting Agenda (PDF)

Public Meeting Minutes (PDF)