Officer Disciplinary Records Database

The POST Commission released an update to the Law Enforcement Officer Disciplinary Records Database on August 19, 2024. 

The disciplinary records database is updated regularly. Officers who have resigned or retired in good standing are not included; data includes those who have resigned or retired to avoid discipline.

The reports contain law enforcement agency summaries of sustained allegations and discipline imposed on active police officers. In some instances, the discipline imposed is related to one or more allegations. The database also lists the officer’s name and law enforcement agency, and date and type of allegation. Certain CORI information has been redacted. The data does not reflect unfounded or non-sustained complaints.

Misconduct records that fall within reporting requirements are included as outlined below:

  • Reports alleging bias on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.

  • Complaints regarding use of excessive, prohibited, or deadly force

  • Actions that resulted in serious bodily injury or death including officer-involved shootings

  • Truthfulness or professional integrity (misrepresenting or falsifying reports or evidence)

  • Criminal misconduct (felonies, misdemeanors)

  • Other misconduct (unprofessionalism, policy violations, conduct unbecoming, conformance to rules, etc.)

Disciplinary records by officer last name (PDF) updated 8/19/24

Disciplinary records by agency (PDF) updated 8/19/24

Disciplinary records .csv file (updated 8/19/24)

Discipline summary .csv file (updated 8/19/24) 

POST has debuted a disciplinary records change request form to streamline the process for reviewing corrections. POST will continue to review requests and will append the database on an ongoing basis.