Decisions, Orders, and Reviews

Here you will find a summary of all POST Commission decisions, orders and reviews pertaining to the certification, suspension and decertification status of officers. Search by category to see the full list of officers in each group. The current lists of suspended and decertified officers, along with a summary of POST inquiries leading to decertification and suspension are found on the sidebar under “Reports” for easy downloading.

Case No. SU-2023-12-14-001 Suspension Order (PDF) issued December 14, 2023

Case No. 23-009-S Final and Initial Decision to revoke certification (PDF) issued December 14, 2023. Summary: Morales was decertified based on a criminal disposition.

Case No. 23-005-S Final and Initial Decision to revoke certification (PDF) issued October 25, 2023. Summary: Fontaine was decertified based on a criminal disposition.

Case No. 23-035-SU Final Decision Lifting Suspension (PDF) issued October 25, 2023

Case No. SU-2023-09-27-001 Suspension Order (PDF) issued September 27, 2023

Case No. 23-006-SU Voluntary Suspension Order (PDF) issued September 14, 2023. Summary: Johnson entered into a Voluntary Suspension Agreement and his certification was suspended for 2 years.

Case No. 2023-003-S Final and Initial Decision to revoke certification (PDF) issued September 14, 2023. Summary: Quilty was decertified based on a criminal disposition.

Case No. 23-002-S Final and Initial Decision to revoke certification (PDF) issued September 14, 2023. Summary: Curtis was decertified based on a criminal disposition.