Public Records Request

How to Request


Please use this form to submit your public records requests to our office. Using this form helps us to provide the most efficient and accurate response to your request.

By Mail

We accept written requests by mail, though we encourage you to use the online form.

Please direct your request to:

Records Access Officer
Randall E. Ravitz, General Counsel
POST Commission
84 State Street
Boston, MA  02109

(617) 701-8403
[email protected]

In Person

We accept written and oral requests in person by appointment only, though we encourage you to use the online form.

Requests can be made at:

POST Commission
84 State Street
Boston, MA  02109

More Info

Requests for public records may be made to the Commission Records Access Officer or custodian. Written requests will be accepted if they are hand-delivered or mailed to the office address below, or are sent using the online form by clicking on “Online.”  Using the online form is the quickest and easiest way to submit a public records request. Oral requests will be accepted if made in person. Telephone requests will not be accepted.

A request must include a reasonable description of the requested records, so that the records can be identified and located promptly. Note that the Commission is not responsible for obtaining records possessed by other agencies or entities in order to respond to a request. Also, the Commission may require payment of a reasonable fee before it will produce records, in accordance with the applicable law. Furthermore, a request for records may itself be considered a public record that is subject to production in response to a request submitted by another member of the public.

Categories of public records maintained by the Commission include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

  • Regulations and advisories, including those related to complaints, adjudications, recertification, and uses of force;
  • Agendas, meeting packets, and minutes related to the Commission’s open meetings;
  • Press releases and public announcements; and
  • Guidelines and forms for agencies and officers regarding the certification process.

Please direct any media inquiries to Alia Spring at [email protected].