Your Recertification Status

Learn more about recertification status notices and next steps to take if you receive a conditional certification notice.

Recertification Notices

In reaching a determination on the officer’s recertification status, the Division of Certification reviews the officer’s application and the accompanying documentation received from the officer’s employing agency. The Division of Certification may grant an officer full recertification, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f)(1). Also, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6E, § 3(a), the Division of Certification has the authority to deny an officer full recertification, which can include limiting, conditioning, restricting, revoking or suspending the officer’s certification.  An officer will receive a notice from the Division of Certification detailing the officer’s recertification status. 

Officers classified as “Certified” have met all the requirements for full recertification pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f)(1); 555 CMR 7.06, without any limitation, condition, restriction, or suspension imposed by the Commission.  See 555 CMR 7.01.  For these officers, their certification is good for three years. M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f)(3).  There is no further action needed for officers in this category.  Officers must remain in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 6E and all regulations promulgated by the Commission. 

Officers classified as “Conditionally Certified” have complied with only some recertification requirements. M.G.L. c. 6E, § 3(a). In order to maintain certification, an officer must satisfy each of the “conditions of certification” listed on their notice within the time period indicated.  Once the Commission has determined that all listed conditions have been met, the officer’s status will change from “Conditionally Certified” to “Certified.”  For these officers, their certification is good for three years. Officers must remain in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 6E and all regulations promulgated by the Commission.

If the officer fails to satisfy all the conditions within the designated time, or any allotted extension of time, the Commission will notify the agency that the officer’s certification has expired. If the officer’s certification expires, the officer cannot be appointed or employed as a law enforcement officer by a Massachusetts law enforcement agency.  This does not preclude the officer from seeking certification in the future through the full certification process. Learn more about conditional certification notices here.

Officers classified as “Certification Denied” have not satisfied all requirements for recertification, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f)(1); 555 CMR 7.06, and the Commission cannot renew the certification.

Any officer who received a denial of recertification or a conditional certification determination from the Division of Certification may seek review by the Executive Director within 21 days of receipt of their recertification notice or within such additional time as allowed by the Commission. Click here to learn more.

Officers on excused leave (medical, military, family or administrative) who have not met the required aspects of recertification will be classified as “not certified” and tracked as on “excused leave” by the Commission until they return to full duty. The recertification of officers in this category is considered “on hold” or “pending” and therefore during the leave, the officer does not have certification by the Commission. Officers included in this classification are not entitled to have their status reviewed by the Executive Director.

Upon the officer’s return to full duty, the officer or their employing agency must notify the Commission via email:  [email protected] 

Please provide the officer’s name, Acadis ID number, and date of return.  Thereafter, the Commission will issue a conditional certification to allow the officer 90 days to complete the requirements.

After the officer has satisfied the requirements, the officer or employing agency will need to provide documentation that the officer satisfied those conditions via email to: [email protected] 

The officer will, at that time, receive a full certification.

For part-time officers that have completed all requirements except for work experience hours at the end of that 90-day conditional certification, the Commission will extend their conditional certification up to January 1, 2027.

Given that the certification is valid for a three-year period, this will allow sufficient time for the officer to complete this training requirement.