
Information on the recertification process is found here.

By statute, all officers who were employed as police officers in Massachusetts on July 1, 2021 were certified and scheduled for recertification in three groups based on the officer’s last name.  Upon recertification by POST, the certification is valid for three years. 

  • Officers with last names A-H were recertified as of July 1, 2022
  • Officers with last names I-P were recertified as of July 1, 2023
  • Officers with last names Q-Z were recertified by July 1, 2024 

The Commission shall not issue a certificate to an applicant who does not meet the minimum standards of the Commission or has been convicted of a felony or whose name is listed in the national decertification index.  

Criminal convictions that are directly related to the duties and responsibilities of a law enforcement officer and could potentially disqualify an applicant from eligibility for certification include those that may subject an offender to consequences under M.G.L. c. 6E, & 3, 4, or 10.
